thisisanexperiment. no, really. it is.

Baybeats 2009

Posted in Fashion, Interest by thisisanexperiment on August 28, 2009





Wasn’t planning on going to baybeats, so these were my shoes for the day.



Uber comfy ninewest wedges- they feel like nike air. Well, almost.I recommend them to all who need the all-purpose black heel/wedge, which is….all girls.

Anyway, the bands were pretty good, and i was really impressed with Homogenic.

The flowy, whimsical dresses of the lead singer and keyboardist really matched their eclectic sound, haunting vocals and the use of bubbles in their performance.

having that subtlety sure beats anyone who has to prance around in Kermit the frog costume. Take that, lady gaga.

unfortunately, this was the best shot i could get of them. shucks.


The other acts- estranged and the great spy experiment- were really good too; great showmanship. too lazy to upload videos now, but if you’ve got time on your hands, baybeats is happening 29th August and 30th August too. And, it’s free.

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