thisisanexperiment. no, really. it is.

Counting Down

Posted in Fashion, Life by thisisanexperiment on August 2, 2010

Life has lately been a Count Down to many things.

A Count Down to my trip to Vietnam, with only a carry-on backpack to fit all I need. A Challenge. 4 Days.

A Count Down to when school starts. 2 Weeks.

A Count Down to when I graduate & the rest of my life. 12 Months.

It’s scary when you realise that you’re no longer 18 and that you can’t put off thinking about exactly what you want/need to do get to where you know you want to be (in my case). If you still don’t, you’re just going to have to wing it, or take things as they come.

Time waits for no man.

In the midst of all this counting down, is my reluctance to let go of my coloured hair. I didn’t realize (till I was looking at some old photos) that I’ve had this blue-purple-pink hair for more than a year. I’ve grown somewhat attached to it, perhaps as my own personal symbol of a more careless, carefree lifestyle; it’s my middle finger to the typical “get a good, stable job in an MNC, settle down, be practical, be sensible” sentiments that’s too often paraded around as if it’s the only option. There’s nothing wrong with it per se, but it’s not what everybody wants.

So, one last rendezvous with Blue?

The rebel in me is finding that idea more and more attractive by the second.

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How Scary

Posted in Fashion, Life by thisisanexperiment on May 10, 2010

I have had a terrible shock. Coming home from work today, I stepped into the lift (elevator, whichever you prefer) with an old man that I thought was a renovation/construction worker. On our way up the floors, he suddenly told me that he was heading to the 25th storey of my building to see if he can jump off it. I was shocked to say the least, and I didn’t know what to say or how to react. He told me not to panic, and not to call the police, that it’s nothing, and he’s just going to take a look. I called the cops anyway, once I got out at the 22nd floor (where I’m located). The cops are combing the floors of my building one by one now, and I sincerely hope that HE WAS JUST JOKING. But even if he was, nobody’s laughing. Certainly not me.

Seeing the serious and laboured faces of the civil defense unit that’s combing the floors made me respect them. It must not be easy wearing that heavy uniform in this weather, combing 25 storeys. That’s intense.

On a more frivolous front, apologies about the lack of outfit posts, I just haven’t been in the mood. Don’t feel like I’ve been wearing anything worthy. In lieu, I present something far greater- Miu Miu Shoes. FUCK ME, but they’re really gorgeous and knowing that there is no way I can afford them, I actually hit a new low yesterday. I trolled google for some sort of “Miu Miu inspired” shoes. Heh. I failed.

These shoes are going to my “When I have $$” List.

via mrnewton

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Posted in Life by thisisanexperiment on February 6, 2010

One midterm down, and I’m waiting for the bus to take me to my tuition job now. The weather is blazing hot these days, making me not wanna put any thought into dressing at all.

Dying of heat stroke, rah!

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Articles of Interest (or Horror)

Posted in Interest, Life by thisisanexperiment on January 24, 2009

Sometimes It Helps to just know that some one out there is experiencing the same kind of (at the lack of a better word) shit that life throws at you.

My dad is the breadwinner of the family, not a University graduate. In fact, he’s only got an O Level Certificate, which is the equivalent of a High School Diploma, I think. I’m thankful that he has luckily not been (ever) laid off by his company. So,  I can’t say that I understand what it must feel like to have one’s family struggle through a recession.

Reading the stories of these following individuals however, provide some interesting insight into what a person goes through when such things happen.

One day, when I enter the ‘working world’, this is what I may face too. I hope I’ll remember this article then.

My Laid-off Life:

In other news, it looks like Virginia Tech is yet again the setting for another tragedy.

Chinese student decapitated at Virginia Tech:

It’s so horrible, I don’t even know what to say about it. Especially since Chinese New Year is just round the corner. What a terrible way for their families to be spending it.

For the rest of us, Happy (early) Chinese New Year! And I’ll leave you with something a little more light-hearted and completely un-related to the above- my Outfit Obsession of the Day.

lulu and your mom

What’s Your Sign?

Posted in Interest by thisisanexperiment on January 22, 2009

My Horoscope Forecast:

In 2008 you put yourself squarely on the map. With firm footing (or at least a definitive direction) in your career of choice, you can now seek the people with whom you’ll rule the world. 2009 starts off on a fabulously social note for go-getting Rams. Jupiter moves into your eleventh sector on 5 January, encouraging you to go about collecting kindred spirits wherever you go. As an Aries you usually prefer to go solo, but this year you’d much rather be a team player. Friends and friends of friends are your touchstones this month. There is still an intense emphasis on career breakthroughs, especially with Mars in Capricorn until early February. January is probably your most ambitious month of the year, because by February you’ll be so wrapped up in romantic pursuits that you’ll forget your boss’ name. One caveat: Mercury goes retrograde on the 11th. Computer crashes, cell phone loss (or breakage), missed flights, achingly slow trains and general chaos are all par for the course until the end of the month. Your luck might come in the form of an old colleague who reappears out of the blue to take your current project to the next level. Just don’t rush anything; a slow and steady approach wins the day.

What’s Yours?

I don’t think horoscopes really turn out to be true anyway. But they sure are interesting to read. Maybe Life is just easier if you pretend that certain bad things or events are already meant to happen. Or sometimes, it gives you hope when you can pretend that “my horoscope says I’m gonna be lucky.”

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