thisisanexperiment. no, really. it is.

A Sneak Peek

Posted in Decor, Fashion, Interest, Life by thisisanexperiment on April 8, 2010

Hi, all. Some glimpse(s) into what’s been going on, or rather, what’s been not-going on (my life is so uneventful these days).

Managed to take some photos of where I work (for now). I even took a picture of the toilet. I can’t help it, it looks nice.

Wanted to wear my faux leather jacket for the first time since being in Middle East and Egypt, but the weather was far too hot, plus it smelled weird. Must be the effect of my mom placing it in the suitbag. Gotta go wash it.

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Articles of Interest (or Horror)

Posted in Interest, Life by thisisanexperiment on January 24, 2009

Sometimes It Helps to just know that some one out there is experiencing the same kind of (at the lack of a better word) shit that life throws at you.

My dad is the breadwinner of the family, not a University graduate. In fact, he’s only got an O Level Certificate, which is the equivalent of a High School Diploma, I think. I’m thankful that he has luckily not been (ever) laid off by his company. So,  I can’t say that I understand what it must feel like to have one’s family struggle through a recession.

Reading the stories of these following individuals however, provide some interesting insight into what a person goes through when such things happen.

One day, when I enter the ‘working world’, this is what I may face too. I hope I’ll remember this article then.

My Laid-off Life:

In other news, it looks like Virginia Tech is yet again the setting for another tragedy.

Chinese student decapitated at Virginia Tech:

It’s so horrible, I don’t even know what to say about it. Especially since Chinese New Year is just round the corner. What a terrible way for their families to be spending it.

For the rest of us, Happy (early) Chinese New Year! And I’ll leave you with something a little more light-hearted and completely un-related to the above- my Outfit Obsession of the Day.

lulu and your mom

The Real World

Posted in Fashion, Work by thisisanexperiment on January 22, 2009

Personally, I hate wearing formal business wear. It reminds me of the impending Rat Race that I’m about to enter in about 2-3 years time. Plus, I never feel comfortable in it- I always feel stuffy. Probably because , like I said, it reminds me of the Corporate World- Boring?

Alas, it’s a necessary evil! Every week, on Tuesday, I put on my future uniform.

At the very least, I hope I end up in a company that practises a more liberal dresscode. Case in point? American Apparel- a flexible dress code, amazingly comfortable and great clothes? Paradise.

Meet Mae, creative advisor extraordinaire (she’s also the one that shoots and writes all those CUTEST EVER BOHO CHIC ebay listings! Juuust kidding, Mae. Your descriptions are the superest.)

Anyway, she was fitting a cute lil’ cotton sun suit that we’re making for Spring and while she was waiting for me to get here, took a break to eat her lunch. When I walked in and saw the whole scene I just cracked up. Isn’t that what people imagine we do here in LA? Just hang out in bikinis and eat Japanese food? In the middle of Winter, no less. Ah, Los Angeles. I love it, and all its stereotyped goodness too.
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